The Joy of Being InspiredHow can we help you?
We guide students to gain confidence, focus and joy by maximizing their time, energy, and talents.
“What would happen if more people were happily engaged in the work they enjoyed and used their dreams as guidance for real-world decision making?”
The Joy of Being Inspired
So often we seem to drift through our responsibilities at home and at work rather than approaching our lives as a canvas we get to paint. In this workshop, we look at what being “in spirit” (which is the Latin root of the word inspiration), truly is. We will investigate how using your heart and mind to make intelligent decisions in your life. Based in the latest scientific research and leadership tools, this program will help you go from just getting by to accomplishing your most desired goals.
Benefits: A new perspective and tools to become more a more creative, satisfied individual and open to life’s opportunities.
Course Schedule– Every Tuesday for four weeks we will meet to learn and discuss foundational building concepts. Times may vary but usually from 12:30 to 1:45 CST. If you miss a class, no problem they will be recorded.
Spiral Up Your Strengths
7 pillars
In the Spiral Up To Your Ideal College Experience we will focus on 7 pillars:
S-Self Knowledge –Is the first step in becoming the genius of your own life.
P-Powerful Presence- Be more confidant – your strengths are your superpowers.
I-Improve your energy as inspiration underpins everything we do.
R-Radical Relationships- Achieve healthy, collaborative networks.
A– Accelerate- Get more done in less time by aligning heart and mind.
L– Lead with Love- Make your unique and valuable contribution to the world.
UP-Using the principles of SpiralUP , Consciously elevate thoughts, words and actions to look at the Brightside to solve our issues and setbacks, be more resilient successful and happy.
The rest of your life starts now!
We look forward to getting to know you better and invite you to join our Spiraling UP community. Sign up to get access to our resources and schedule a complimentary call with one of our coaches to see if Spiraling Up is right for you.